Saturday, April 21, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

94 - Getting Bored Of All The Temples & Shrines

I planned quite a busy schedule, so at this point nobody was truly enthusiastic about temple no. 563.

93 - Squirrels Are Ninjas

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

92 - OMG, Gaijins!

Glad to see the braces worked after all. ;-)

In the background an individual of the rare species of stupiddo gaijin can be observed, in its original environment. Stupiddo gaijins are in fact a subspecies of gaijins, they can be distinguished by the digital audio-visual devices in their necks. Ironically in Japan, you are the stupid-Japanese-tourist-taking-pictures-of-everything.

91 - Kamakura

90 - Reunion

My family came to visit me for almost 2 weeks. It's hard to describe the feeling of reunion for those who have been lucky enough to be able to avoid it. It's great in itself, but it won't make up for 6 months of solitude.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

89 - Kawasaki Bus Station

I love these smart solutions in Japan, like this little roof to protect passengers from rain. It's not just a small booth, the whole path is covered from the train station.

88 - Stockings

Funny? And you didn't even know that "fing" means fart in Hungarian.

87 - Yet Another Anti-Subway Rant

&!#@ subway.

86 - Fujimoto-san

The janitor of the dormitory.
You might say he looks like the local MC type of guy, but to be honest, he never gets invited to the any party.

85 - Ooh, shiny...

Well, what d'you think? The side of a fire truck!

84 - National Science Museum, Tokyo

83 - Chairman Mao

Actually, this guy was indeed an artiste from China. :)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

82 - Killing Those 18 Minutes

Alvás, email, olvasás... Nintendo DS. Manga, iPod. Fényképezés. Hányás. Lecke írás.
Egyéb ötleteket a kommentekbe!

81 - Enjoying Sakura

80 - art, i guess...(?)

Mit nem adnék egy olyan kreatív elméért, ami nem csak egy rohadt szakócát tud beleképzelni ebbe az akármibe. Szoborba.

79 - Hoping I'll Get A Seat

Éjszaka 15 percenként jár a metró, ami önmagában egy örökkévalóság. Ha az utána következő 18 perc zötykölődést is ébren kell eltölteni, az maga a pokol. Kérem vissza a biciklimet!