Tuesday, June 26, 2007

173 - Farewell Party

From left to right: Me (Budapest, Hungary), Jamie (Cambridge, UK), Thomas (San Francisco, CA)

Thanks everybody for coming out tonight to say goodbye the last time with a couple of beers, tons of sashimi, crazy-ass wasabi-sake, kombini power session, nomihodai karaoke madness, ultimate dancing fever, waking me up at the club, and sprinting away from juu-man-en bill. *

So all you fine buddies and dudes and mates, thank you very much for spending your time and experiences with me, I'll never forget you:

Zaki, Zoli, Milosz, Thimo, Felix, Tomi, Yasir, Javier, Matthieu, Melissa, Barry, Jamie, Thomas (in chronological order)

Make sure you contact me whenever you are near Hungary, you are all really welcome to stay at our house (we got an extra guest room).

* And thanks in advance for the HR people for calling me back for the second round even though they read this post about all the crazy things I do when partying. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Cher Andras,
Merci pour la motivation que tu m'as transmise.
Merci pour m'avoir si souvent laisse gagner au Jungle speed, c'etait vraiment fair-play de ta part de volontairement manquer le totem lors de nos duels.
A bientot, courage, bon retour, gamba...

Brieggy said...

Can you believe it is already time to go home? I can't. I wish that our flights would cross, so I could at least wave. Oh well. Cyber-wave.

Andras Csibi said...

Yeah, I think it still didn't dawn on me that I'm leaving. Well, saying sad farewells are always happy, since you know that you made friends.
Cyberwave (^.^)/

Andras Csibi said...

Dear Matt,

Your welcome, keep running, man! I'll create a program ASAP, perhaps in Hungary, and mail it to you guys. I'm chotto busy right now.

Andras Csibi said...

Oh boy, I wish I wrote "you're welcome" instead of "your welcome"..

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